Before going to the Free Stuff you must read and accept the
following Condtions of Use
Limitation of Liability:
Model rockets are not toys. Model
rockets are functional rockets constructed of strong,
lightweight materials and launched using pre-manufactured model
rocket motors in accordance with the NAR Model Rocket Safety
Code. Model rockets, if misused, can cause injury, property
damage and even death. I, Art Applewhite, certify that I have
exercised reasonable care in the design of my products. I cannot
assume any liability for product storage, transportation or
usage. I will not be held responsible for any property damage or
personal injury whatsoever arising from the handling, storage,
use or misuse of my designs or products by anyone other than
myself. The user assumes all risks and liabilities there from
and accepts and uses my designs and products on these
Copyright Infringement
Copyright infringement is a
violation of the law. It destroys the incentive for
creative people to share their works with the general
public. All the materials on this website are protected by
copyright. Any upscaling, downscaling or alteration of the
materials on this website whether for personal gain or not is
strictly prohibited without the expressed permission of
Art Applewhite Rockets.
By clicking on the link link below I acknowledge that I have read
and agree to the above statements.
I accept
I do NOT